Hi all.
A Question to post to the experts out there.
Our CAD system is OpenVR compliant v1.14.15 and we've been trying to use our ML2 to connect to it like we have done with a couple of other VR and MR units (HTC Vive via Steam and Hololens)
The system recognizes the Leap and wants to connect via remote rendering but fails on the CAD side after.
Is there a way to possibly connect and use this or are the two modes totally incompatible?
Many thanks in advance
Hi @scott.bain, thank you for your question. Magic Leap 2 is OpenXR compliant but not OpenVR compliant, so you likely won't be able to connect to your OpenVR compliant CAD system for this reason.
Many thanks @kdowney for the quick reply.
Had a feeling that would be the answer.
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