Personally, I just need to know the general procedure. If that is what you mean, if you can publish it today, I would be happy to try it on my end on Saturday or Sunday.
If it is against Magic Leap's rules to publish the document you are creating, you do not have to force it to be published. We would appreciate information to the extent possible.
More details should be included in the upcoming post going live, but we are sharing access to a build of Omniverse Create that is compatible with our Remote Rendering in advance of Nvidia integrating the changes into the full release in their Hub.
The builds that Nvidia currently shares publicly on their hub rely upon OpenVR, while our Remote Rendering solution is based upon OpenXR. Once Nvidia fully supports OpenXR you will be able to simply download Omniverse from them and it will work on the Magic Leap 2 Remote Rendering, but for now you shall have to use the early build we are providing.