MRTK 3 Near Mode Keyboard

Currently in the process of upgrading our project over to MRTK 3 from 2.8. Most of it has been great improvements and some feel like they went backwards. Which brings me to the keyboard, I had imported the Magic Leap experimental keyboard and that worked great in 2.8 but in 3.0 unity canvases are no longer supported for near mode interactions as far as I'm aware.

It used to be as simple as putting NearInteractionTouchableUnityUI script on the canvas itself and then convert it to an MRTK canvas and it would register near mode. This script is no longer a thing from what I can tell in 3.0. I looked at the experimental MRTK 3 keyboard and there again they use Unity Canvas and doesn't work with near mode.

Is there something I'm missing or do I have to go about converting all the buttons on one of those keyboards to the new PressableButton setup?

Hi @nathan,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding this issue. I have reached out to our team and I will report back as soon as I learn more.



Any updates on this?

Apologies for the delay.

There is a "NonNativeKeyboard" highlighted in the following screenshot that can be used. This worked for us on our end but please let me know if you encounter any issues with this.



Yeah, so I had already tried that one. Works for far mode ray casting but there again it uses unity canvas buttons which doesn't allow for near mode interactions (poke interactors mainly).

All good, Ill have make my own.

Hi @nathan,

It seems that converting the buttons on the keyboard to the new PressableButton setup. In Unity, It is possible to select all of the buttons on the keyboard and edit them simultaneously. You can search the hierarchy for all objects of type "Button" by typing t:Button.

Let me know if this helps.



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