Hands are not working in existing MRTK3 unity project

I have a unity app that I created for Hololens and I would like to use it in Magic Leap 2.
I followed the instructions in the "Configure Existing MRTK 3 Project" tutorial (MRTK3 Magic Leap | MagicLeap Developer Documentation) and my app works great with the controller! However, when I try to use my hands, nothing happens, my hands are not detected and they can not interact with the app. But they work to close the app by closing them with the palm facing me and to do everything outside the app.
I also followed the "Magic Leap MRTK 3 Settings" tutorial (Magic Leap Settings | MagicLeap Developer Documentation) with no result... In the "Manual MRTK XR Rig Configuration" section, I tried both ways and they both had the same result.
Lastly, I tried the "Hand and Controller Interaction Examples" from the Samples in the Magic Leap MRTK3 package. And, once again, it worked perfectly with the controller but not the hands.

What could I be doing wrong?

Unity Editor version: 2022.3.53f1
ML2 OS version: 1.11.0
Unity SDK version: 2.6.0
Host OS: Windows

I found a solution!

Following the "Configure Existing MRTK3 Project" tutorial is enough. However, I had to check the "HandsSubsystem" boxes in Available MRTK Subsystems (Edit > Project Settings > MRTK3).

My app is now working as expected using hands or the controller.

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