I would like to use MagicLeap2 to activate hand tracking of OpenXR of XR Interaction Toolkit.(The handtracking provided by MagicLeap2 and the handtracking of MRTK are not used in this case.)
I set "XR Plugin Management - OpenXR setting" as shown in the figure below, but MagicLeap2's OpenXR handtracking is not activated. Is there anything else I should adjust?
Reference link destination : XR Interaction Toolkit
Unity Editor version: Unity 2022.2.21f
MLSDK version:1.3.0-dev2
.magicleap.unitysdk": "1.7.0"
Host OS: (Windows)
"com.unity.xr.openxr": "1.8.1"
"com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit": "2.3.2"
"com.unity.xr.management": "4.3.3"
XR Plugin Management- Android - Plug in Providers- MagicLeap is ckecked.
Project Settings - Magic Leap -Permission -android.permission.CAMERA and com.magicleap.permissionHAND_TRACKING are ckecked
XR Plugin Management - OpenXR setting image