How to implement OpenXR handtracking with MagicLeap2

I would like to use MagicLeap2 to activate hand tracking of OpenXR of XR Interaction Toolkit.(The handtracking provided by MagicLeap2 and the handtracking of MRTK are not used in this case.)
I set "XR Plugin Management - OpenXR setting" as shown in the figure below, but MagicLeap2's OpenXR handtracking is not activated. Is there anything else I should adjust?

Reference link destination : XR Interaction Toolkit

Unity Editor version: Unity 2022.2.21f
MLSDK version:1.3.0-dev2
.magicleap.unitysdk": "1.7.0"
Host OS: (Windows)
"com.unity.xr.openxr": "1.8.1"
"com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit": "2.3.2"
"": "4.3.3"
XR Plugin Management- Android - Plug in Providers- MagicLeap is ckecked.
Project Settings - Magic Leap -Permission -android.permission.CAMERA and com.magicleap.permissionHAND_TRACKING are ckecked

XR Plugin Management - OpenXR setting image


While Magic Leap supports OpenXR, our Unity SDK implementation uses Unity's standard XR Subsystem. That said, we are actively working on adding OpenXR support to our Unity Integration. For now, please OpenXR in the plugin providers section and enable Magic Leap after configuring your project for Magic Leap 2

We do not have any timelines that we can share right now but we will post an announcement on our forum as soon as more information becomes available about our OpenXR integration in integration.

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Thank you for letting us know about OpenXR compatibility.