Unity Editor version (if applicable): 2022.3.12f1
ML2 OS version: 1.5.0
MLSDK version: 1.5.0
I have a simple scene with ML RIG and a cube. After all settings done this scene work in magic leap.
When i try to activate Hand Tracking with OpenXR.
Nothing is display in magic leap.
i Have this error
2024/01/31 14:59:45.961 6778 6802 Error Unity DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'UnityOpenXRHands'. Tried the load the following dynamic libraries: Unable to load dynamic library 'UnityOpenXRHands' because of 'Failed to open the requested dynamic library (0x06000000) dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "UnityOpenXRHands" not found