I'm trying to update my OS to the latest version 1.3.0-dev2 (secure) from 1.3.0-dev1 (secure), but even after claiming a successful update it is still on the old OS. The 1.3.0-dev1 version that is currently installed is a preview version (B3E.230406.06_5751_release-keys) which was provided by Magic Leap to test an audio fix, so perhaps that is causing the problem?
I've attached the screenshots below, but the steps I follow are.
- Restart my ML2 with the cable disconnected
- Connect the ML2 and open the OS installer
- Select the latest OS and click install.
- It shows the screen which reboots the device in fastboot mode and wait for reboot
- As soon as the device has rebooted it instantly says it's successfully installed the update and telling me I can disconnect the device. From clicking install to it claiming it's finished takes about 3 seconds, which doesn't seem enough time to install an OS update.
- The device is left in a state with flashing LEDs, oscillating between 1,3,5 and 2 and 4. which I've left for over an hour and it never stops.
- I eventually power off the device and restart it, but it's left on the original OS.
This is the detailed output of the update process
Rebooting device into FASTBOOT mode
Waiting for FASTBOOT device..........
FASTBOOT device found
Magic Leap Inc. (C) 2022:
Welcome to flashall_amd.bat v2.1.4:
NOTE: CVIP and EC are flashed by default
Use --cvip-only to flash CVIP images only
Current VID: 0x2C55 PID:0xB201
Product Name: demophon
SSC is enabled:
Device is PMF012:
"ro.build.tags": "release-keys",
Waiting for device to reboot...
Device Found
Do you have any suggestions as to how I can fix this?