No sound on ML2

I have got an interesting issue with my ML2. I can hear bleeps etc when for example I hover buttons or press the volume up and down buttons but any streamed audio doesn't play in our app (built in Unity) or any other app as far as I can tell. For example, using the web browser app and going to You Tube I can hear going over the buttons but when I play a video - no sound.

Is there even a setting that would do something like this or do I need to Factory reset?

The headset did something weird earlier where it kept popping up the USB connection dialog but only in red! Eventually turned it off and all seemed to be ok but since then I've noticed no sound so it maybe related.

I can confirm that a factory reset fixed the issue. Had I somehow enabled a setting that did this or did the weird crash earlier somehow muck things up?

Hi @gary,

This seems like a potential error at a system level. I'll go ahead and report this bug to our team. If you do run into this issue again, please let us know. What version of the Magic Leap OS are you running?



Also, do you remember what was happening right before this issue occured?

The OS version is 1.6.

I was testing our app at the time. When we do get crashes they seem to be related to the webview component (or at least that is what gets mentioned in the logcat) but on this occasion I wasn’t monitoring that so I have no idea what caused it.

Gary Stevenson
Box Bear Ltd

Are you using Windows or Mac to develop?


Gary Stevenson
Box Bear Ltd

Do you mind reproducing the issue and capturing a bugreport and sharing it with us?

I have never seen this issue again (or previous to me reporting it) so I think it's unlikely I will be able to capture a bug report after it happens. I have also updated to OS 1.7 so it may be something that never happens again.

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