I want to export the scanned space from the local spaces. I could export the spatial map using ADB shell: adb shell mlmapping -export_space “map name” but it only exports a *.map file.
How can I export the textured mesh as an *.obj or any other known format?
Also doing so using Unity SDK is fine.
MagicLeap Hub version: 2.0.14
sdk: v1.4.0-dev1
Version 1.3.0
Android API Level 29
Host OS: macOS
But I don't have any options in the Spaces app to export anything, I just see option to rename, delete and scan a new space. Do you know how I can get the export option?
So, the only way I could download the scan was using the ADB commands on the Bash which gives me a .map and json file. I am not able to decode these files into a mesh. Can you please help me with a way around this problem?