Saving spatial anchors and using on another app

I tried building this project on my ML2 using the Unity example(GitHub - magicleap/SpatialAnchorsExample: Unity App that uses Magic Leap 2’s Spatial Anchors API and a JSON file to create content that persists in a Space across reboots. If the user is not localized, they the app allows users to localize using a QR Code.), it builds and opens, but the startup window says, it cant locate itself as the local space in not found, even though I made sure, the space is scanned and saved in the Space app.Ii made sure the permissions as per the documentation.

Also when I try to build the app on ML2, I get the following prompt:
PlayerSettings->Active Input Handling is set to Both, this is unsupported on Android and might cause issues with input and application performance. Please choose only one active input handling. Ignore and continue? (This dialog won't appear again in this Editor session if you'll choose Yes)"

I have doubts on the unity version and Magicleap SDK version requirements and if I should build it through MagicLeap provider or OpenXR provider. Problem persists on both latest Unity and 2022.2.0f1 for which the example project was built.