I am trying to play my Unity app in the unity editor with the play button and have the application run on my computer and display on the ML2 while logging output to the Unity editor console. I have tried to get zero iteration and I have no idea how to set up unity to allow me to play my app on the ML2 without building it
Unity Editor version: 2022.3.6f1
ML2 OS version: 1.1.0
MLSDK version: 1.8.0
Host OS: (Windows/MacOS) Windows
Error messages from logs (syntax-highlighting is supported via Markdown): None
Hi @davidrbuyck,
Welcome to the Magic Leap 2 Developer Forums. We are so grateful to have you here engaging with us.
Are you using the Magic Leap Hub? Here is a Unity tutorial project for the Magic Leap 2 and it will help you get started with the Application Simulator in the Magic Leap Hub.
Let me know if you run into any issues.
I just did the tutorial but when I tried to use the Application Simulator in the Magic Leap Hub I got this error when I tried to Connect my ML2:
I also updated the Magic Leap to 1.3.0-dev2 and Magic Leap Hub
This is the details of the error:
Hi @davidrbuyck,
Thank you for these details. This is a known issue with the new release and we are actively working on this. There will be an automatic update in the ML Hub soon.
The App Simulator issue has been fixed. You can now download the corrected version in the hub.