[BUG] UE5 Gaze Tracking cuts off screen

When I use the "GetGazeData" blueprint node in EventTick on my pawn (and nothing else) the bottom half of my vision/screen is cut off more often than not. No geometry or anything.

Actually this issue doesn't seem to be restricted to just GetGazeData()

If I try to take a screenshot of it, the issue goes away. But as soon as the screenshot window goes away the problem comes back.

Issue goes away when packaged as Shipping. I think this means then that the printed logs in the top left of the screen cause this.

Hi @rob42lou,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding this issue. I have shared this bug with our team. Would you mind sharing a few details to help get this issue to our team for fixing.

  • Unreal version
  • ML2 OS Version
  • ML SDK Version
  • Development OS (e.g. Mac, Windows)




UE: 5.3.2
ML2: 1.50
MLSDK: Most recent.
Dev: Windows

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Hi @rob42lou,

Would you mind sending the logs that are being printed as well along with any errors?

This will help us debug this issue.

How do you take a screenshot of this? Using the shortcut with the home button and the bumper?

And when you mention the issue going away, this means that the pixels show again? are the pixels not rendering?



To take a screenshot I go back to the Magic Leap menu and then click the screenshot button and resume my app.

And yes, the bottom half of the screen begins to work correctly if there are no logs present (or I'm in screenshot mode). If there are print logs in the top left the bottom half of the screen is just empty, as if the geometry is being cutoff because it's too close to the screen.

@rob42lou Have you been able to resolve this, do you have a sample project or repro steps for this issue? How were you able to print logs in the top left?

It seems to have stopped being an issue with this past update. Thanks!

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