I am trying to test AR cloud to run leap brush in my ML2 devices. I choose to custom deploy AR cloud. I am following all the steps but I got to the "Install Certificate Manager" and I am getting the following error
Since the certificate manager is not installed successfully. I got this error when I am setting up AR Cloud
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Thank you for your post @john.estrada. Let me look into this and report back here asap.
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Hi John,
I'll be happy to help address your issue. It looks like there was an existing value for the cert-manager namespace. If you delete that, the process should be able to proceed. You can use the following command:
kubectl delete namespace cert-manager
Give that a try and then retry the install command. If the issue persists after that then let me know and we can explore it more deeply in a support ticket.
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I tried deleting that namespace, but I do not find that namespace. If I use helm I can see a certificate called cert-manager but the namespace is "default". However, if I listed all the namespace using kubectl. I do not see any certificate named cert-manager. As a result, typing your command it gives me back "namespace not found"
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Hi, John. I sent you a message through the Care portal. We'll work through the problem there.
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Posting a public followup:
I was able to work with @john.estrada to get his install up and running. The initial cert-manager error was due to the namespace already existing. It was resolved by uninstall cert-manager from helm.
helm --namespace cert-manager delete cert-manager