I have downloaded the OVA from the dev portal and tried to spin up a VM using the OVA as a template on Vsphere.
I get the following error:
Issues detected with selected template. Details: - -1:-1:VALUE_ILLEGAL: No supported hardware versions among [virtualbox-2.2]; supported: [vmx-04, vmx-07, vmx-08, vmx-09, vmx-10, vmx-11, vmx-12, vmx-13, vmx-14, vmx-15, vmx-16, vmx-17, vmx-18, vmx-19].
Which makes sense.. the OVA is for Virtual Box. So I modified the OVA by changing <vssd:VirtualSystemType>virtualbox-2.2</vssd:VirtualSystemType> to <vssd:VirtualSystemType>vmx-19</vssd:VirtualSystemType>, and then rebuilt the OVA (yes, using a valid sha256 hash).
I then tried to reimport but get a different error about unsupported ResourceSubType.
Has anyone been able to successfully deploy AR Cloud into Vmware for testing?