3D model text mirrored in model viewer

When bringing in a 3d model, even through the native model viewer, the text on the 3d model comes in mirrored. This seems like a simple setting someplace but I have not found it yet.

Is it something more fundemental?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!


What type of model are you importing. Does it appear correctly on other devices?

I have tried several formats... including OBJ and FBX. When I bring the model into Unity, however, it works just fine and imports properly. Thought there was something simple I was missing on the Model Viewer on the ML device.

I would recommend testing the model in other programs. We use the standard obj and gltf uploader and would expect that the model shows up just as it would on other viewers. Do you know if the scale shows up as negative/inverse inside unity / unity’s model import settings?

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