Where to download "MRTK Magic Leap 2 Unity Asset"?

Where is the "MRTK Magic Leap 2 Unity Asset" we are told to download in Step 1 here? (There's no URL/download link.)


Thank you.

For reference, the section reads as follows:

Import MRTK Magic Leap 2

  1. Download the MRTK Magic Leap 2 Unity Asset.
  2. Import the asset into your project.

Hi @paklnet ,

Thank you for posting on the Magic Leap 2 forum.

The MRTK Magic Leap 2 Unity package is available to download through The Lab 2.0.

We will clarify this step in the documentation.

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How do we then import the "MRTK-Magic Leap 2" asset into our project/scene? I don't see Assets/MRTK-Magic Leap 2/

Thank you.

Hi @paklnet import the package as you would any unity asset package: