Could we get some instructions on how to set up and use the MLVirtualKeyboard asset/prefab in our own Unity Projects?
Thank you,
Patryk Laurent
Could we get some instructions on how to set up and use the MLVirtualKeyboard asset/prefab in our own Unity Projects?
Thank you,
Patryk Laurent
Hi @paklnet,
You can use the instructions on this guide to bring in the virtual keyboard into your own project.
Fantastic!! Thank you!
This does not work! There are no required resources in the project in the assets folder
@anddimovski see the XRKeyboardExample.unity
scene inside the Packages/MagicLeapXRKeyboard/Runtime/Scenes
Yes, I found a test scene, but transferring the necessary components from the packages to my project is not an easy task. Why not make a separate keyboard package that can be easily imported into any project
The operating system has its own keyboard, it is included in the browser. Is there any way to call it in my application?
We do not provide a system keyboard at this time, but I submitted your interest in one to our voice of customer team. In the meantime you can use the Unity keyboard by importing the package import the via a git url using Unity's Package Manager
Hi, is there any update on accessing systems inbuilt keyboard in Unity projects? Or we still need to use a custom prefab for enabling virtual keyboard in our scenes?
Btw I am unable to add the git package using link option, will it work if i just download the repo and add it in my project?
We do not provide access to a "system" keyboard. You will need to use a 3rd party solution from either the asset store, interaction packages such as XRI or MRTK, the one I posted in the link, or create your own.
Here is additional information about the package manager:
Hey thanks, I tried but for some reason installing using the GIT link in package manager isn't working for me. So, I wanted to ask if there is way to manually import the project/assets that you are suggesting. Here is the error message:
"[Package Manager Window] Error adding package: MagicLeapXRKeyboard/Packages/MagicLeapXRKeyboard at main · magicleap/MagicLeapXRKeyboard · GitHub.
Unable to add package [MagicLeapXRKeyboard/Packages/MagicLeapXRKeyboard at main · magicleap/MagicLeapXRKeyboard · GitHub]:
Error when executing git command. fatal: not in a git directory"
I’m not sure, have you looked at the troubleshooting page or trying to copy the package directly after cloning the project? You may need to check the git command and directory to make sure the URL is correct.