Updating to 1.5; cant compile

I got the notification when opening the app sim this morning to update to the latest version in order to use it. So I did, now I'm getting 28 errors about missing assemblies in regards to the UnitySDK package I updated.

Those are but a few but you get the idea.

I tried reverting to the previous 1.4 version I was using prior which doesn't have these errors but that apparently means I cant use the app sim to test using the magic leap before I update. Which I don't fully understand why an update would be forced on the user, especially when the package manager lets you revert to older versions.

Since its referring to OpenXR I reinstalled most packages I could think of that were related to no avail. I also deleted my Library, Logs, Obj folders for a full rebuild, but that didnt help.


Packages I reinstalled; Moved from OpenXR 1.7 to 1.6

Unity Editor version: 2022.2.11
ML2 OS version: Latest: updated today
MLSDK version: 1.5
Host OS: (Windows)

Thanks for reaching out @nathan. Let me look into this and report back asap. Have you updated everything in the Magic Leap Hub, including the Magic Leap Application Simulator Runtime tool as well?

I think so;

Ok thanks, yes that's all updated. I'll report back asap when I have more information.

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So apparently I wasn't supposed to install Unity's AR packages, I uninstalled it and and the errors are gone. That wasn't an issue in the previous version but wtv seems to work. Ill have to do some further testing to make sure I wasn't using those libraries

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