I got the notification when opening the app sim this morning to update to the latest version in order to use it. So I did, now I'm getting 28 errors about missing assemblies in regards to the UnitySDK package I updated.
Those are but a few but you get the idea.
I tried reverting to the previous 1.4 version I was using prior which doesn't have these errors but that apparently means I cant use the app sim to test using the magic leap before I update. Which I don't fully understand why an update would be forced on the user, especially when the package manager lets you revert to older versions.
Since its referring to OpenXR I reinstalled most packages I could think of that were related to no avail. I also deleted my Library, Logs, Obj folders for a full rebuild, but that didnt help.
Packages I reinstalled; Moved from OpenXR 1.7 to 1.6
Unity Editor version: 2022.2.11
ML2 OS version: Latest: updated today
MLSDK version: 1.5
Host OS: (Windows)