Unity(OpenXR) How to get RGB World Image


I'm a bit confused about the OpenXR API - I want to receive a RGB image, but as far as I understand the Pixel Sensor "Picture World" can only be used to parse the camera pose, but does not provide a stream and the Sensor "Center World" only provides two grayscale streams - right?

How can I access an RGB image similarly to "CV Camera" with MLSDK?

Thanks for your support!

Unity Editor version: 2022.3.17f1
ML2 OS version: 1.8.0
Unity SDK version: 2.3.0
Host OS: (Windows/MacOS) Windows

The CV/RGB camera data cannot be access using the pixel sensor directly, but it can be used to obtain the pose of the camera. We are investigating the possibility of allowing developers to obtain the camera frame using this API. But for now the Pixel Sensor's Get Pose API can be used to obtain the RGB Camera pose inside the callback when an image is received (ie: RawVideoFrameAvailable in the following example )

See MLCamera Overview | MagicLeap Developer Documentation for more examples and details.

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