MagicLeapCamera Example

Give us as much detail as possible regarding the issue you're experiencing:

Unity Editor version: 2022.3.38f1
ML2 OS version: 1.10.0
Unity SDK version: 2.5.0
Host OS: Windows

I am trying to implement the ImageCaptureExample script. After creating the script. I attach it to the Main Camera under the ML Rig but I do not know what screen renderer RGB I should use. How do I create one?

Have you tried assigning a value yourself? Which ones have your tried? Have you tried assigning the renderer of a simple 3d cube to it?

I tried using a renderer of a quad and a cube but nothing happened. I just saw a white screen.

Did you add the Camera Permission to your manifest?

You may need to look at the logs and see if you are running into any errors when running your application.

Yes i do get some weird warnings though. I will provide additional information tomorrow.

I fixed the second error. However, I saw that the error does not enable me to test it in remote rendering. When I build it it runs successfully.

The pixel sensor and ML Camera APIs are only supported on the device and not through remote render or pixel sensor. To see a list of supported features in remote render you can reference the following page.