Unity 2022.2.1f1 install fixes for getting the Application Simulator working

I decided to upgrade to the latest version of Unity It has been a while since I upgraded unity. There were issues in getting the newest version of unity ( to work with the Application Simulator. I figured I would share our notes with the community, as the instructions on the website didn't work. The main issue I saw was the Scene view worked, but the game view did not. Note that some of the text in red is in other parts of the website, but it isn't all in one place.

Unity 2022.2.1f1
Host OS - Windows
ML OS – 1.1.0-dev2
Magic Leap Application Simulator (ZI) Runtime
ML C SDK – 1.1.0-dev2
ML C SDK Make Support –
Unity Packages (all components) – 12.0
-- except for Unity SoundField audio (Not tested)

Start from the main link- https://developer-docs.magicleap.cloud/docs/guides/unity/getting-started/unity-getting-started. I will cover the first four steps because if you can get a simple app to work, you are on your way.

Step 1 - Set Up Development Environment – Follow all instructions step – no additional changes are required.

Step 2 - Import Unity Tools – Follow all instructions steps – no additional changes are required. :blush:

Step 3 - Configure Project Settings –

  • Follow the "XR Plugin Management" steps
    • Note We saved the USING THE UNITY PROJECT VALIDATION TOOL to the end to verify we made all the changes.
  • For the Player and Graphics Settings – this is where the ADDITIONAL CHANGES are required
    • To set permissions - You must enable the custom manifest. In your project's settings go to Edit > Project Settings > Player, then under Publishing Settings select Custom Main Manifest. Then you can go to Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Permissions to enable permissions on various features.
    • Complete the Player Setting : The list below constitute the additional change
      • While on the Andriod tab - Under Identification, set the package name (Lower Case) which is needed to build and run.
      • In Player settings, open the Standalone tab (ie looks like a monitor and says Setting for Windows,Mac, Linux)
      • Expand Other Settings and under Rendering
        • uncheck – Auto Graphics API for Windows
        • uncheck – Auto Graphics API for Mac
        • uncheck – Auto Graphics API for Linux
        • Then in Graphics APIs for Windows
          • Add OpenGLCore
          • Delete Direct3D11 – It should restart.
      • Expand Resolution and Presentation > Resolution- Check "Run In Background."
      • Finally Validate by running - Window > XR > Magic Leap > Project Validation

Step 4 – Follow "Building a Simple App" to test.


Thank you for the update @nicholas.tenn. We'll be updating our instructions shortly.