Touchpad Gesture Recognition

With the latest February update in the 1.4.0 Unity SDK known issue it says "Controller Touchpad Gestures are not recognized". Is there a way around this issue? Will this be fixed in the next release? If touchpad gesture recognition is needed then would rolling back to the January release be the best path forward? Any info or help will be much appreciated.

Unity Editor version: 2022.2.0b12
ML2 OS version: 1.2.0-dev1(secure)
MLSDK version: 1.2.0-dev1
Unity Package: 1.4.0
Host OS: Windows

Thanks for your post @dhartley. Let me check into this and report back here asap.

Hi @dhartley, We anticipate this to be fixed this within this March release cycle, which should be in a few weeks.

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Just saw the March release is out but I did not see anything about Controller Touchpad Gestures. Can you confirm if this is fixed or not?

Hi @dhartley, yes this issue has been fixed.