Temperature Sensor values

Hey All,

is there a way to read out the ML2 temperature values from Unity?

I am working on a Project for an exhibition, which is outdoor, and I need a way to read the temperature of the ML2 device. We want to display that to sort of admin screen so the Guides know when glasses are overheating (Which they are doing quite fast from my experience)


Hi @rasmus,

Welcome to the Magic Leap 2 Developer Forums. We are so grateful to have you here engaging with us.

I've reached out to our team regarding temperature reading on the ML2 in Unity and I will report back to you as soon as I hear from them.



Hi @rasmus,

A few follow-up questions to help us define your use case.

  • How does having temperature information allow you to prevent overheating issues?

  • What steps would you take if the temperature is rising? How is this different from the thermal notification provided by the system?

These questions will help us find a solution for you.




It helps since in our use-case we have 16 ML2 Running in parallel and we programmed an admin web interface which gets information from all glasses via WebSocket, such as battery and more. So if we could include the temperature the guides that are explaining the experience know before hand when a device could overheat, or they can approach users that have an overheating issue. Since the users are all new to the glasses and might get frustrated, which again might backfire on my clients reputation.

The Thermal notification is fine. But in our case we have a kiosk like experience, where users are not using the controller. So the notification is destructive for our use case, since it need to be confirmed with the controller. Is there a way to prevent this?


Hi @rasmus,

Thank you for this information. In the meantime it is possible to use the BatteryManager class to monitor the temperature.

What is the severity of this issue? How soon would a fix be necessary with this issue?

