Splash Screen Not Showing Up or Showing Up Briefly Stuck In World

I'm seeing an issue in our Unity based project where the VR Splash screen is not showing up anymore despite the correctly set settings in the project (we have not touched them). The splash screen either does not show up at all on the ML2, or it will show up frozen at the position where the ML2 booted up (not directly in front of the user at the time of launching the app).

Has anyone else seen this? Is it a Unity issue or something in our project has gotten to the point where it prevents the splash screen from displaying? Is our scene taking too long to load perhaps?

I am able to use the same splash image in a test app I have created and it works as expected, so I have ruled out issues with the splash image itself. Something specific about our Unity project is breaking the splash screen on the ML2, but even with the same project settings as the test app it does not work.

Note that this used to work for a long time with no problems. We haven't changed our Unity version recently, but we did update our headsets all to the latest ML OS 1.8.0, but we have seen this issue happen off and on in previous OS versions so I don't believe it's related to ML OS.

Unity 2022.3.29f1
ML OS 1.8.0
Latest Unity SDK as of August 2024

Hi @om-iman,

When using Logcat, are there any errors being displayed around the time of startup for your app?



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