Question Regarding Magic Leap 2 Simulator in Unity SDK > 2.0 & ML Hub 3

Hi everyone,

I’m currently developing with the latest Magic Leap 2 Unity SDK (version 2.6) and have noticed that the simulator app and plugin seem to be deprecated. Additionally, I couldn’t find a simulator package in the latest Magic Leap Hub (version 3).

Could anyone confirm whether a new simulation method is available or if the simulator is no longer supported in Unity? Any clarification on this would be greatly appreciated.

Unity Editor version: 6000.0.38f1
ML2 OS version: 1.12.0
Unity SDK version: 2.6
Host OS: (Windows/MacOS) Windows 11

You are correct App Simulator is not supported in Magic Leap Hub 3 , so you will need to make sure the older version of MLHub is installed along with the App Simulator components.

However, you are also correct in that App Simulator is deprecated and is no longer supported. We strongly recommend using other methods such as Unity’s XRI simulator instead or toolkits like MRTK