Is there a way to tell what version of AppSimulator is running? In unity, i went straight down the line of all of the versions up to 3.8 and i keep getting "No Magic Leap App Simulator session is running. Exit Play mode and start App Simulator before entering Play mode again."
It was working at one point, but now i have no luck. We are on 1.4.0-dev2, but i even ran up to 1.5 of the OS to see if that will work, but no luck. should i just uninstall the whole MLH and start over?
Give us as much detail as possible regarding the issue you're experiencing.
Unity Editor version (if applicable): 2022.2.5f1
ML2 OS version: 1.4.0*dev2
MLSDK version:
ML Hub version:
Magic Leap Application Simulator (ZI) Runtime version: no clue, i checked settings and its not anywhere to be found. Paackage manager has v3.8.0.20231208 selected.
Magic Leap App Simulator for Unity (if applicable):v3.8.0.20231208
Host OS: (Windows/MacOS) MacOS
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