Magic Leap 2 - Developer Pro Edition

Hello, we purchase the ML2 Developer Pro Edition and received the license key last week. Now, I am looking for the exclusive developer tools and apps related to that license (according to "Magic Leap 2 Developer Pro provides access to developer tools, sample projects, enterprise-grade features, and monthly early releases for development and test purposes."

Any ideas where to find the developer pro software and features?


I had the same question. But i bought mine before 9/29 with big apple buddy distributer ( not insight ).
not sure if that matters. Its my understanding that any hardware shipper before 9/29 will automatically unlock to developer pro and that it would be up to me to update the firmware.

But then what about the sample projects promised?

Good to hear that I am not the only one who doesn't understand the features of the Developer Pro account. (beside credits for cloud services)

When I received the license key last week, I had to update to the latest firmware, and therefore the "kali.." demo was deleted. So that makes it even more confusing.