How to inject fixation point filtering into MRTK3/InputSystem

Unity Editor version: 2022.3.4f1
ML2 OS version: 1.3.0-dev2
MLSDK version: 1.8.0
MRTK version: MRTK3 1.0.0-pre.2

we would like to use the GazePinchInteractor from the MRTK for all of our interactions. The ML2 eye tracking is pretty good, but with smaller objects the jittering of the fixation point often crosses the interaction "border" of the object, i.e. hover enter and hover exit are called immediately.

I want to implement some sort of sliding window filter over the fixation point data but I haven't really found the place where to put it such that all other parts of the process (InputSystem Actions and Interactors/Interactables handling) can stay the same.

Any suggestions that help are highly appreciated :slight_smile:

@joey.rieg Have you tried increasing the FuzzyGazeInteractor's sphere cast radius, and perhaps also the cone angle if needed, to get better gaze interaction with small Interactables? Also, for best results, did you run the Custom Fit application and go through eye calibration?

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Thanks @whebert for the quick reply! I'll definitely check out these settings, thank you!

We ran the Custom Fit with eye calibration for multiple glasses but the experience wasn't the same for everybody, unfortunately. 3/5 people were very comfortable with gaze pinch interactions while the other 2 struggled to interact reliably with the virtual content.

Just for completeness. It seems like the issue isn't with the eye tracking since the gaze hovering worked really well after adjusting the FuzzyGazeInteractors properties as @whebert suggested. The issue is to keep the hands comfortably in the field of view for the ML to register a pinch.

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