
Hi folks,

I try to attach my own GameObjects to the handvisualiser bubbles, what works fine in the simulator, but as soon I do anything with the objects the script won't work on the Magic Leap itself :frowning:

Any ideas, why the result is different running on the device? Any better approach to get the positional
and rotational data of each bubble, so I can place different meshes instead? Thanks!


private bool once = true;

    void Update()
        if (!this.handDevice.isValid)

        if (once)
            for (int i = 0; i < this._middleFingerBones.Count; ++i) obj[i].transform.parent = this._middleFinger[i].transform;
            once = false;
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@pepone can you provide more information on this? Can you try using the default Hand Visualizer script from the Magic Leap Unity Examples and see if it works on device?

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Hi kbalinski! I found a solution and just put my gameObjects on the correct position/ rotation instead of using the spheres. Thanks.

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