Download the Unreal Engine source code - Missing

While following the getting started guide, I can't seem to find the MagicLeapUnreal git repo....from the guide below:

Download the Unreal Engine source code

To download the version of the Unreal Engine source code for this release, clone it from the Magic Leap fork of the Epic Games GitHub repository:

  1. Log in to GitHub with the credentials for your public GitHub account.
  2. In Windows Command Prompt, run this command:
git clone --single-branch -b 5.3-release-ml2-updated

Can someone confirm that this is still there? And if so, what am I missing on setup?

In order to access the MagicLeap fork of the Unreal Engine 5 source code, you will need to use a GitHub account that is a member of the EpicGames organization.

Here is more information about users who are having issues getting access to the org when linking an epic games account: Maintenance on the Epic Games GitHub Organization - June 2024 - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

Yes, Thank you. I've been through the GitHub/Epic account links exercise a copy of times. I believe I'm now linked to the original GitHub site (not the Epic-Games-Mirror-A)...could you please verify from you access to see if the path of: is still there?....if it is then I'm not truly linked to the correct GitHub site.....Thanks for you help!

I can confirm that it's there but the link above describes some of the issues that developers are having when linking their account to get access to the main repo. Are you able to access this link?

Yes, I can get to:

70 branches, 242 tags


If your GitHub account is a member of the EpicGames organization, then I would expect that you would be able to see the repo. Let's see if we can troubleshoot.

If your account was previously added to the 'EpicGames-Mirror-A' org, I believe that Epic was going to migrate them over. To check what organizations your account is associate with, click on your profile icon and open the organizations page-

In the list of organizations, you should see 'EpicGames' and nothing else-

If your account is only associated with EpicGames, then I wonder if something might have been cached. You could try logging out of GitHub, clearing your web browser's cache (in Chrome select Delete Browsing Data and choose 'All Time' from the dropdown menu).

Sorry about the trouble. Please let us know if you try that and you're still directed to a 404 page on github when you try to access the repo.


Ok, you are the winner! I had both EpicGames and EpicGames-Mirror-A in my organization list. Once I left the "EpicGames-Mirror-A" I was able to get to:
MagicLeapUnreal/UnrealEngine: Unreal Engine source code with modifications for the Magic Leap platform (

Thanks for all of your help!!!

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