Having difficulty getting hand tracking points to show up inside Unity Editor. Running the app simulator (1.1.0-dev2) with Unity 2022.2.0f1 & ML SDK 1.2.0, the HandsTracking sample scene inside the ML Examples from the SDK. The hand points do not appear to show up in the correct place. For example, when selecting the gesture of "Point Finger", the little spheres just show up in a vertical line and don't really resemble a hand at all. Is this correct? Is there any way to develop hand joint tracking without a device?
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Hi @jad, let me look into this. Thank you for your post.
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Hi @jad, The App Simulator only supports a few key points in Simulator mode. However, Device mode should show all of the keypoints correctly.
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Ah okay
Are there any plans to support the full simulated hand? Also the simulator hands don’t seem to move to match the gestures. It’s pretty hard to develop right now without a device!
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@jad Yes, we will be adding this functionality in the future
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