Unity hand tracking seems to crash ZI

When using hand-tracking in conjunction with ZI, the ZI application on the headset seems to lock up as soon as a hand is detected. Other demos run fine, and the hand tracking demo scene (in unity) runs just fine until i bring my hands into view. Has anyone seen this before? If i build and run the scene natively on the headset it works just fine.

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@rmuk We have some incremental improvements regarding both the App Simulator (formerly Zero Iteration/ZI) and HandTracking in our September Software Release - #2 by sengelman.

Can you confirm if this still occurs with a fresh installation of the Magic Leap Hub and the App Simulator?

There should have been a template available with this Category that pre-populated some fields for versions. Those things would speed up the process.

Can you confirm, after upgrading, your versions of the following:

Unity editor:
Unity SDK version:
Magic Leap Hub version:
Magic Leap App Simulator version:

This page will also explain how to retrieve diagnostic logs that you can send to use, where we can get the best inference of what may be happening.

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