Anchoring Dynamic fire objects optimization

I built this sample spatial-anchors example project on my ML2 using the Unity example(GitHub - magicleap/SpatialAnchorsExample), I wanted to simulate a fire hazard environment and I am able to anchor the fire objects using ML2 now but issues comes when the fire objects increase in number and the app started to be cranky and glitchy. Since it's important for me to put many fire elements on the scene, I am looking for advice on how can I make the app work smoothly with many dynamic fire elements. I am making the fire using the particle effect on unity. Any help will be very appreciated.

Hi @abhiazadz,

I would recommend using the Unity Profiler to get insights on what may be causing performance issues. I would also recommend checking out this article from Unity. Optimize performance for mobile, XR & web games (Unity 6 edition) | Unity

Let me know if you have any further questions.

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