Wacom Tablet Example

I thought Wacom Tablet was not available for Magic Leap 2, but the WacomTablet scene was included in the Example.

Is this just a Magic Leap 1 Example included and not deleted?
If so, you should remove the WacomTablet scene.

Unity Editor version: 2020.2.0b4.2768
ML2 OS version:
MLSDK version: 0.53.2

Sadao Tokuyama

@tokufxug , Wacom tablets are supported on Magic Leap 2.

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@sengelman Wacom tablet was unsupported on the API status page.

Is there a difference in meaning between the Wacom tablet unsupported on the API status and the Wacom tablet support you are talking about?

Or is API status posting incorrect information?


Sadao Tokuyama

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I'll have to take a look at this when I'm back at my workstation, but it may not be until next week.

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@sengelman I am in no hurry at all and can do it after next week.
It might be a good idea for Magic Leap to investigate the incorrect information on the API Status page.
Looking at the Wacom Tablet Example, I used a Pen in UnityEngine's InputSystem.
If Wacom tablets are supported and you know which models are compatible, we would appreciate it if you could share the information.

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@tokufxug , I have created a ticket for my team to add documentation to the Portal regarding Wacom tablets.

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