Trying to get CVCameraPose when CV camera is active

Whenever I am accessing MLCVCamera.GetFramePose it always returns UnspecifiedFailure - Operation failed due to an unspecified internal error.

This error even occurs on the sample project - CVCamera that is provided with the sdk. Is this a known issue?

Unity Editor version: 2022.2.18
ML2 OS version: 1.2.0
MLSDK version: 1.6.1
Host OS: (Windows/MacOS)

Hi @skang2,

Today we released an update to the Unity SDK (1.7.0) containing bug fixes, can you try using the new SDK and see if this resolved your error?

Hi @skang2,

Today we released an update to the Unity SDK (1.7.0) containing bug fixes, can you try using the new SDK and see if this resolved your error?

[Discourse post]

Yep 1.7.0 fixed it, thanks