In the following instructions, "10. Save the scene and hit Play to test the scene in Desktop mode. You will be able to click and drag the controller for the headset inside the Game Window." It says to move the Headset or Controller with the mouse, but how is this done? I don't even know what I want to check here in the first place.
Below is a video of the program as set up and running on Unity.
Unity Editor version : 2022.3.11f1 ML2 OS version :1.4.0-dev2 MLSDK version :1.4.0-dev2 (Unity Package 1.11.0) Host OS : (Windows/MacOS) Windows11 Photon Fusion : Fusion SDK 1.1.8 F Build 725
Also, there is a difference between what I have set up and the picture of the setup in the description if I have set it up as described.
Sorry, for the confusion. the Desktop Rig is the Generic Rig.
The code is setup to use the Magic Leap Rig if App Simulator is enabled or if the Build platform is set to Android. To use the Desktop Rig in the editor, you have to make the following change to the RigSelector's Awake() method:
Hi @tokufxug, that steps is to check that the ray is moving with your controller and that you can use the WASD keys to move around. If you add a grabbable cube to the scene, you will be able to pick it up with the left mouse button.
Did you add the network rig into the scene? The headset and controller model shouldn't be visible to the local player.
The project is highly based off of the Photon Fusion Shared VR project. I recommend checking it out if you want to learn more about the interactables and desktop rig scripts: VR Shared | Photon Engine
I feel the document is not informative enough. The fact that there is information that you have to post in the forum to get it out is not quite good in itself.