Questions about Magic Leap Camera in Unreal

Hello. I'm trying to access the Magic Leap camera through a built-in plugin called Android Camera Player.

When building and running the app, one MagicLeap MainCamera and three Back Cameras are recognized.

I attempted to receive the output texture using Unreal Media Player's open url node, but the open url node failed.

The URL I got is mlcamera://main.

The details written in extra permission are as follows.

  1. com.magicleap.permission.EYE_CAMERA
  2. com.magicleap.permission.DEPTH_CAMERA
  3. android.permission.CAMERA

I have approved camera permissions for the app on Magic Leap.

Is the method I'm trying incorrect?

Hi @bjinsu,

I have reached out to our team regarding this issue and I will report back as soon as I learn more.



Hi @bjinsu,

In order to access our camera, you must use the MagicLeapCamera CAPI plugin.

You can find this plugin as part of the zip file that is distributed from the Hub.

The best reference is MagicLeapCameraUrlParser.cpp, that will show all the valid arguments.



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Thank you for answer.

If you have sample code for Magic Leap Camera Player, can I request it?

This code can be downloaded from the Magic Leap Hub Package Manager.


You can find the code at this path. There is also a MagicLeapCameraPlayer.cpp file.

