I have been trying to port (again) or company HoloLens 2 app to Magic Leap, and I was doing pretty well - until I came to the Vuforia part. This surprised me to no end, as earlier ports had no problem with this.
Now the main difference with back then is - then the OpenXR stuff was not available, and now it is. So what happens is: the tracking is happening, the position I get back in space is not the position of the marker, but mostly about 50cm before the tracker and a bit higher. If I move the marker, the object I show at what the system thinks is the tracked location moves with it, but at that distance.
What I have tried so far:
- Messing around with this
This gives various locations, but never the right one. - Turning on Perception Snapshots
- This
But to no avail. I have done umpteen deployments now with various configs, but still no working tracking
- Magic Leap OS 1.12.0
- Unity 2022.3.40f1
- Magic Leap SDK 2.6.0
- Magic Leap MRTK 1.4.0
- Vuforia 10.29.6
Any suggestions are very welcome.
Update: made a small Vuforia repro for HL2, worked fine, Then proceeded to make it compatible with ML2 using my own recipe . That made the object tracker appear about 20-50cm next to the. When I switched back to HoloLens (UWP), it had similar problems. There is something definitely funky going on here, but I am not quite sure what. I'll try more tomorrow and possibly send the repo, if I feel I can't move any further.
Update 2: reverted every change I made to the app (yay Git), then repeated the convert process. And this time it worked flawlessly. So apparently, sometimes things get messed up in a Vuforia project. Danged if I know what is was