ML2 Controller stop working frequently


We bought Magic Leap a few months ago. The OS version on ML2 is 1.12, and controller version is up to date (glasses says no update needed). But ML Controller very frequently stops working after sometimes and there is no way to fix, until Magic Leap is restarted again. This happens extremely frequent. We are developing Unity apps and Controller works in Unity Applications all the time, never have a problem, even several times we restart Unity apps, they all work. But when you close the Unity application, sometimes main menu of Magic Leap does not work with controller anymore, controller is not correctly tracked, and I have to use hands only afterwards. In main menu, controller tracks position but direction is incorrect and trigger button do not work, but Home button works. But when I start Unity application controller starts working, when I shut down Unity application, controller stops working. I could not find out the problem, but this really seems to be an OS bug since main menu is not working, but applications works.

Hmm, we are not tracking this type of bug on our side. Lets see if we can sort it out.

Do you notice this behavior after using any application or specifically your application or the Unity Example project? Does your application use the World Cameras / Pixel Sensor?

Does the issue occur even when the hand input is disabled in the System Settings?

Have you tried Resetting your device and reinstalling the latest OS?

When the device first open, there is no problem. When we start/stop our application, it still works sometime. But after some time, controller stops working when we go out of our app, but I don't know when and why. We don't use other apps so long to test if it fails with other applications or not. But this problem continues till we get it, it did not happen later on, we did not reset but I updated OS about 3 times till now. Nothing changed in each update.

The important point may be we currently use non-OpenXR sdk since Vuforia does not work with OpenXR sdk. May be Main Menu has problems switching between legacy and new SDK. But as I remember (not sure), this problem was still there when we were using OpenXR sdk also. But in any way, an application should not be able to make the OS fail.

In source code:
private InputAction XRTriggerInputAction = new InputAction(binding: "/trigger", expectedControlType: "Button");

In start we get actions like that
if (XRTriggerInputAction != null)
mMagicLeapInputs = new MagicLeapInputs();
mControllerActions = new

In OnApplicationQuit we dispose like that:
if (XRTriggerInputAction != null)

Unfortunately, our options to debug this are limited unless we have reproduction steps. Maybe there are a series of steps that we can test based on the older Magic Leap Example project ? Have you been able to reproduce this when running the default 1.12.0 Unity Example project ?

Unity samples are already installed, but it may take sometime in order to make sure it works or not.