How to programmatically reset Magic Leap 2 origin to 0,0,0 from Unity?


Unity 2022.3, ML2 SDK 2.5.0 OpenXR

How can I programmatically reset the Magic Leap 2's origin coordinates to 0,0,0? The device automatically sets its origin at startup and after tracking loss, but I need to trigger this reset through code.

What I've Tried

csharpCopyprivate XRInputSubsystem _inputSubsystem;
_inputSubsystem = XRGeneralSettings.Instance.Manager.activeLoader.GetLoadedSubsystem<XRInputSubsystem>();

This implementation attempts to reset the origin, but the zero point remains unchanged.

Is there a correct way to force the ML2 to reset its origin to 0,0,0?

I am aware of recenter XR origin at start, but it seems not to do proper zero point reset either by using this to measure the head tracking:

InputDevice hmdDevice = InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(XRNode.CenterEye);

if (hmdDevice.isValid)
    if (hmdDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.devicePosition, out Vector3 position))
        Log($"Head Position: X:{position.x:F2} Y:{position.y:F2} Z:{position.z:F2}");

And Magic leap 2 Reference spaces enabled

TryRecenter() and similar XR calls are designed for VR platforms to reset the user's "forward" direction or "floor level." On Magic Leap, the spatial coordinate system is AR-like, defined relative to the environment. Instead of altering the global origin (0,0,0), use a parent transform like XR Origin or ARSessionOrigin:

  • Capture the current device position to "reset" the origin.
  • Store this offset as the "new zero."


var xro = FindObjectOfType<Unity.XR.CoreUtils.XROrigin>();
xro?.MatchOriginUpCameraForward(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward);

This approach redefines app content alignment relative to the global origin without modifying it.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you, this is the same code as in recenter from the startup button.

I found a way to achieve the goal

In case someone is trying to solve this still and want more power.

Search this file and open for info:


  1. Rotation Controls:
  • RotateAroundCameraUsingOriginUp(float angleDegrees) - Rotates around camera using origin's up vector
  • RotateAroundCameraPosition(Vector3 vector, float angleDegrees) - Rotates around camera with custom axis
  1. Origin Position & Forward:
  • MatchOriginUp(Vector3 destinationUp) - Changes origin's up vector
  • MatchOriginUpCameraForward(Vector3 destinationUp, Vector3 destinationForward) - Aligns camera's view direction
  • MatchOriginUpOriginForward(Vector3 destinationUp, Vector3 destinationForward) - Aligns physical walking direction
  1. Camera Position Controls:
  • MoveCameraToWorldLocation(Vector3 desiredWorldLocation) - Teleports camera
  • CameraYOffset property - Adjusts camera height (in Device mode)
  1. Tracking Mode Controls:
  • RequestedTrackingOriginMode property - Can be set to:
    • TrackingOriginMode.NotSpecified
    • TrackingOriginMode.Device
    • TrackingOriginMode.Floor
  1. Read-Only Properties:
  • CurrentTrackingOriginMode - Current tracking mode
  • OriginInCameraSpacePos - Origin position relative to camera
  • CameraInOriginSpacePos - Camera position relative to origin
  • CameraInOriginSpaceHeight - Camera height relative to origin
  1. Object References:
  • Camera property - Get/set the XR camera
  • Origin property - Get/set the origin GameObject
  • CameraFloorOffsetObject property - Get/set floor offset object
  • TrackablesParent property - Parent transform for trackables
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