XR_ML_world_mesh_detection timing issue

Hi @aheany, don't worry for the delay.

Here are both header and source from my application, beside a few logging headers and the xr_linear.h header from the OpenXR-SDK, it should be fairly self contained.

mesh_detector.zip (2.9 KB)

As for frame loop, I update the mesh detector between xrWaitFrame and xrBeginFrame only if XrFrameState::shouldRender is XR_TRUE and the session state is either XR_SESSION_STATE_VISIBLE or XR_SESSION_STATE_FOCUSED.

I though about moving the mesh_detector in its own thread but haven't done it yet.

Yes I'm refering to the MLMeshing C api, which I also tried in parallel (exclusively), you can see the issues I found with it here. I can also share the code if you'd like.