What coud we know about frame camtoworld transformation accuracy, reliability and FrameTimestamps?

Hi @kocsisa,

Apologies for bringing this up in a irrelevant thread. I've been reading your earlier post about CameraPose and wonder if you have been able to record a video, say, with an accurate timestamp attached for each frame, as you had somewhat mentioned in this thread. I am also working on a similar issue and found it rather hard to keep saving images to magicleap without hurting its frame rate, as I also had other functions running simutaneously. Would you please kindly provide some info about your implementation of video capturing and saving on-device, as you mentioned in that earlier thread?

Sorry I couldn't find a way to dm you or reply to the previous thread. If you would prefer a different way of communication, my email is zhhqu0305@gmail.com.

Thanks in advance!