Hi, I just wanted to confirm that in the new 2.3.0 Unity Package (1.8.0 SDK)
the PixelSensorFrame contains a CaptureTime member.
And it counts nanosecs from the same epoch in case of Depth and World camera, moreover it seams that even in case of CV/RGB camera which is not currently covered by the new PixelAPI so I still used the old ML API.
I still could not find framenumbers in this version of Pixel API.
Could you suggest better way to increase own framenumbers than checking the capturetime and increase it if we have different capture time than earlier? ( if not than we got the old frame again)
Correct the CV/RGB camera data cannot be access using the pixel sensor directly, but it can be used to obtain the pose of the camera.
Currently the OpenXR Spec does not provide access to a frame number. Instead it only provides the capture time, however I can share your feedback with our voice of customer team.
Thank you for the clarification.
Hi @kocsisa,
Apologies for bringing this up in a irrelevant thread. I've been reading your earlier post about CameraPose and wonder if you have been able to record a video, say, with an accurate timestamp attached for each frame, as you had somewhat mentioned in this thread. I am also working on a similar issue and found it rather hard to keep saving images to magicleap without hurting its frame rate, as I also had other functions running simutaneously. Would you please kindly provide some info about your implementation of video capturing and saving on-device, as you mentioned in that earlier thread?
Sorry I couldn't find a way to dm you or reply to the previous thread. If you would prefer a different way of communication, my email is zhhqu0305@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance!