We're trying to modify and persist Global Dimmer values from within our app, such as:
We'd like to be able to read the value of Global Dimmer (that was set in OS) on the application startup
We'd like to manipulate that value from within the app and persist so that even when user leaves the app, the Global Dimmer value would be reflected within OS
We're using MLGlobalDimmer.SetValue() at the moment but it only gives us possibility to set Global Dimming while within the app, without possibilities to persist the value within OS.
We tried using
var renderFeature = OpenXRSettings.Instance.GetFeature<MagicLeapRenderingExtensionsFeature>();
and reading the value of renderFeature.GlobalDimmerValue during the application startup, but it always gives 0, no matter what value we'd set in the OS for the Global Dimmer.
Is there a way to achieve what I stated in the above points 1 and 2 with the API available?