Post processing (bloom) in Unity


Is there any way to get Camera post processing effects (bloom, specifically), to work in Unity with URP for ML2? Enabling it does nothing, and I do not believe it is technically supported, but, we could really use it :wink:


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Post processing can work on device with URP. Try these steps and see if it works for you.

  1. Make sure post-processing is enabled on your camera
  2. Make sure post-processing is enabled on your URP asset
  3. Create a global volume with a new volume profile and add a bloom override
  4. Check that you have reasonable threshold and intensity values and that those boxes are enabled
  5. Create a new layer called "post-processing" or something like that and put your volume on it.
  6. In your camera component under Environment > Volumes > Volume Mask make sure that your "post-processing" layer is enabled.

Hopefully this helps! Caution, if you are using the Segmented Dimmer feature post-processing effects can cause conflicts. Post process features can overwrite the frame's final alpha values and cause segmented dimmer weirdness.

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Thanks, Kit! I thought we are doing all of that but maybe we missed something. I know this was previously a known limitation. Do you happen to know if this requires a minimum SDK or OS version? Thank you.

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Hey Chris, I've just double-checked my project settings and verified that it is working on device. I started with the Unity Magic Leap Examples from the Magic Leap Hub V 1.6.0.

This project uses:

  • Unity 2022.2.0f1
  • Magic Leap OS v1.2.0
  • "com.unity.render-pipelines.universal": "14.0.4"
  • "com.magicleap.unitysdk": "1.6.0"

Hope this helps! (Not totally sure what the minimum SDK version is to fix this, I believe this was previously an issue with the XR implementation.)

I used MK Glow from the asset store. It can skip the whole post-processing and just add glow - might be a better performance...