MLCameraIntrinsicCalibrationParameters high reprojection error


ML2 OS version: 1.10.0
MLSDK version: 1.10.0
Host OS: Win

The PNP reprojection error seems too high, especially at the image borders when using the intrinsics provided by MLCameraResultExtras/MLCameraIntrinsicCalibrationParameters.

Below is a clone of my implementation in python that is based on [1]. Could you please quickly double check the 'undist_magic_leap()' function. Maybe i made a silly mistake :wink:

The script outputs around 0.3 pixels RMS error for the small marker. I think that is way too high.

####### Magic Leap intrinsics
Pose in camera frame:
[[ 0.00707712  0.99896557 -0.04491877]
 [ 0.98881859 -0.01368233 -0.14849442]
 [-0.1489554  -0.0433656  -0.98789256]]
[-210.09145112  286.64426796  662.64285839]
Residuals (pixels)
[ 0.27064139 -0.24666436 -0.28740943  0.30538637  0.23132418 -0.31972344
 -0.21509027  0.26071783]
RMS error (pixels)

Python code:

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
from scipy.optimize import least_squares

# Measurements of four corner points of a 45x45mm square 
# obtained from the luminance channel (MLCameraOutputFormat_YUV_420_888) 
#    ..
#    cv::Mat image(output->planes[0].height, output->planes[0].width, CV_8UC1, output->planes[0].data);
#    ..
image_points = np.array(
  [[1128.440, 3056.529],
  [1135.872, 2827.960],
  [922.817, 2827.048],
  [914.213, 3053.972]])
s = 199.6 / 200.0
object_points = s*np.array(

# MLCameraIntrinsicCalibrationParameters obtained from MLCameraResultExtras
focal_length = np.array([3229.906982422, 3229.008300781])
principal_point = np.array([2041.873, 1554.210])
distortion = np.array([0.102010615170, -0.384192407131, 0.000052323157, 0.000182186413, 0.405351102352])
width = 4096
height = 3072

def undist_magic_leap(image_points, width, height, focal_length, principal_point, distortion):
  image_points_undist = np.zeros(image_points.shape)
  K = np.array([distortion[0],distortion[1],distortion[4]])
  P = np.array([distortion[2],distortion[3]])
  pixel_to_normalized = 1.0 / np.linalg.norm(np.array([width, height]))
  for i in range(image_points.shape[0]):    
    x = pixel_to_normalized * (image_points[i] - principal_point)
    r2 = np.linalg.norm(x)**2
    r4 = r2*r2
    r6 = r2*r2*r2
    s = x + x *[r2, r4, r6]))
    s[0] += P[0] * (r2+2*x[0]**2) + 2.0*P[1]*x[0]*x[1]
    s[1] += P[1] * (r2+2*x[1]**2) + 2.0*P[0]*x[0]*x[1]
    image_points_undist[i] = s / pixel_to_normalized 
    image_points_undist[i] /= focal_length
  return image_points_undist

# PNP objective function, for testing purposes
def pnp_error(x, f, obj_points, img_points):
    r = R.from_rotvec(np.array([x[0],x[1],x[2]])).as_matrix()  
    t = np.array([x[3],x[4],x[5]])
    residuals = np.zeros(obj_points.shape[0]*2)    
    for i in range(obj_points.shape[0]): 
        point_camera = r@obj_points[i]+t
        residuals[2*i] = f[0] * point_camera[0]/point_camera[2] - img_points[i,0]
        residuals[2*i+1] = f[1] * point_camera[1]/point_camera[2] - img_points[i,1]
    return residuals

image_points_undist_leap = undist_magic_leap(image_points, width, height, focal_length, principal_point, distortion)

pose_guess = np.array([ -2.2, -2.2, -0.17, -211, 283, 677])

print("####### Magic Leap intrinsics")
res = least_squares(pnp_error, pose_guess, args=(np.array([1,1]), object_points, image_points_undist_leap))
print("Pose in camera frame:")
x = res["x"]
sol_r = R.from_rotvec(np.array([x[0],x[1],x[2]])).as_matrix() 
print("Residuals (pixels)")
residuals = pnp_error(res["x"], np.array([1,1]), object_points, image_points_undist_leap)
residuals_pixels = residuals * np.repeat(focal_length,object_points.shape[0])
print("RMS error (pixels)")

[1] # Intrinsic/Extrinsic Parameters | MagicLeap Developer Documentation


We can take a closer look, but briefly, which camera are you trying to undistort captured images from? Also, could you please share your capture configuration? (I'm curious about the image format and resolution)

The center rgb camera uses a standard pinhole distortion model. The world cameras use a different distortion model. If you're using the rgb cam and if you're able to make opencv calls, OpenCV's undistort function should correctly undistort images captured from the rgb cam-


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