Magic leap Eye Tracker API Pose

Give us as much detail as possible regarding the issue you're experiencing.

Unity Editor version (if applicable): 2022.3.11f1
ML2 OS version:1.5.0
using open XR though
MLSDK version: 1.9.0

Hello, I am currently trying to use this Magic leap Eye Tracker API Overview to output data. I noticed that there are examples of every subcategory except for pose data. I have read the more immersive API XR_ML_Eye_tracker but am unsure how to convert the C++ function into C# for unity. Are there any example code snippets for the pose subcategory for Unity? Are these values any different than the geometric data, such as eye position within the skull?

from this thread

You can download the Magic Leap Unity Example project from the Magic Leap Hub which includes an eye tracking scene/example. The Unity Open XR Eye tracker feature is an experimental API which is why you may not see as much documentation on the feature outside of the example until it becomes approved by the open xr spec.

The scene in the Unity Project should get you on the right path. Let us know if you run into any specific issues after looking at the project.

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