I've put my device in Lock Task Mode and it works as intended, but it still shows the home icon with the loading circle when it recognizes my hand in the "home" triggering position. As intended, no actions are taken when this gesture is recognized but is there a way to stop showing the icon?
You can disable the Hand Input from the system settings before enabling hand tracking to disable the graphic. However, I have submitted their feedback to our voice of customer team regarding the ability to disable this without having to disable the Home Gesture Shortcut.
By disabling hand input through the settings menu, hand tracking works in our application, but outside our application everything is in "far field interaction only". Unfortunately, this means that users would be required to use the handheld controller to sign in.
Is there a way to disable the graphic, while still being able to have near field interactions?
I believe that you can disable the Home Shortcut Gesture setting separate from Hand input in the system settings.
Note, this means that you would not be able to exit to the home menu with the grip gesture
Not being able to exit to the home menu with the grip gesture is fine, because my device is in lock task mode. Users never see the home menu, and since the home gesture triggers no action in lock task mode, it is confusing that it triggers a visual home icon.
Disabling the Home Shortcut Gesture setting separate from Hand input would be ideal -- where is this in the system settings?
In Settings>>Magic Leap 2 Inputs >>Hand Tracking, I see options to change the home gesture, however I do not see a way to disable the home gesture.