Thanks for your response. That is unfortunate to hear, though I will continue to find a workaround.
As an update to how this affects what I'm working on, here's some images of the motion blur I was able to reduce.
Using the camera's default 1/60 shutter speed (16.656 ms), this is how a 35x35mm aruco marker gets blurred during light motion:
As you can see, this introduces some error in the corner detection, particularly on that upper left hand corner.
The corner error is only about 0.8mm off, but can cause up to +/- 5mm error in the object I'm tracking (The marker is on top of a stylus and I'm tracking the tip of the stylus about 100 mm away).
Adjusting the shutter speed down to 1.5 ms gave me much sharper images, even during intense motion, albeit the images are very dark, and dropping exposure any lower will prevent it from detecting the markers due to lack of contrast.
However, even with blur basically eliminated, head/camera motion is still giving me noise/error in tracking.
Here's a video example to help explain (if I can get the embedded link to work)
And an image explaination
The yellow dots are points I'm collecting while dragging a stylus along an area. (The blue dot is the current position). The outline is the approximate size of the area I need to track within and is about 50mm by 35mm. Also within this area, we're trying to get < 1mm error while tracking.
The outline was drawn while the camera was stable and the stylus was moving. I then put the stylus in the middle of the view and began turning/moving my head around and the blob of points in the middle is the amount of error introduced by the camera motion. All markers in view were perfectly stable during this time.
Since motion blur has been basically eliminated thanks to the shorter shutter speeds, I'm thinking there must be some other form of motion related distortion occurring. Video stabilization is turned off on my settings, and am not sure if that would help or hurt the issue, but one of my camera experienced coworkers suggested it may be a rolling shutter issue, so I took some video with camera motion in it to see if there was any rolling shutter related distortion, and got this as an example:
(2ms shutter speed, holding a pair of metal calipers in my hand and turning my head left and right)
The calipers are perfectly straight, but appear slightly curved in this frame, so I'm guessing rolling shutter is to blame for the noise/distortion. I don't suppose there's anything we can do to minimize that?
In the end, I'm betting we'll have to take another approach and simply disable tracking during moderate head motion by polling the gyro and accelerometer data like from here: Magic Leap 2 IMU data