Unity Editor version: 2022.3.38f1
ML2 OS version:
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Host OS: (Windows/MacOS)
I am capturing frames in real time to proceed in my object detection but I get some errors in the API leading to memory errors.
I am also attaching the VideoCapture script even though it is almost the same as the one provided in the examples.
VideoCapture.cs (14.5 KB)
What changes did you make? Does the standard example from the developer portal work?
I added functionality for permissions checking and also since i am capturing in yuv i convert every 1/3 frame and instead of rendering i get the rgb texture and pass it to my other function. But i tried to just render the texture in my other function and still i get the same errors. I mean it seems to run properly but stops after a while.
I'm sorry to hear that you are running into this issue. The error that you posted above is showing that your current script is not able to be started properly. So you might be running into two separate issues. We aren't able to directly debug your code, but I do suggest looking at the Magic Leap Camera examples on the developer portal and then possibly making the changes incrementally and adding logs to your script to see where the issue takes place.
You may also want to check that the configuration you are using, with the YUV frames is available given your settings: